Hey, fabulous fitness fam! 💖
Push-up will Transform Your Body!
I am beyond excited to welcome you to my latest challenge, which will rock your world in just 30 days! 🚀 You’ve all heard of the infamous “Bring Sally Up” challenge, right? It’s that killer workout set to a song with just two lines – “Bring Sally Up” means you go up, and “Bring Sally Down” means you go down. Sounds simple, right? But let me tell you, babes, there’s a difference between giving it a try and conquering it. And today, I’m here to spill the tea on how to ace the “Bring Sally Up” challenge like a boss!

This challenge isn’t just about getting swole – although, trust me, it will give you a chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs to die for! 💪 But more than that, it’s about building discipline and believing in yourself. It’s about proving that you can start something and finish it, no matter how tough it gets. So, are you ready to dive in and transform your body and mindset? Let’s do this!
Here’s the lowdown on the rules: Throughout the entire song, you’re gonna be doing a total of 30 push-ups. Yep, you heard me right – 30 push-ups in one go! And don’t worry, I’ll be doing the challenge right alongside you, so you’ll see the numbers pop up on the screen as we go. Now, here’s the kicker – if at any point you can’t do any more push-ups, that’s okay! Just take note of how many you’ve done, hit pause, and come back to it later. Then, drop a comment below with the date and the number of push-ups you completed. Simple, right?

We’ll be tackling this challenge twice a week, and I’ve even thrown in some extra goodies like back exercises and stretching to keep things interesting. So hit that subscribe button if you haven’t already, smash that like button if you’re as pumped as I am, and let’s hit the floor and crush this challenge together!
Alright, let’s talk technique. When you go down, aim for a 90-degree angle at your elbows – none of that half-hearted dipping, okay? And when you come back up, straighten those arms like you’re reaching for the stars! Oh, and one more thing – keep those elbows at a 45-degree angle, not straight back. Got it? Awesome, let’s get down to business!

Whew, talk about a burn, am I right? Chest, triceps, shoulders – they’re all feeling the love! But hey, that’s what makes this challenge so fun! Sure, it might not feel like a party on your seventh workout after a long day at work, but trust me, that’s when the magic happens. You’ll be faced with a choice – give up or push through. And babes, I hope you choose to push through, because that’s where the real growth happens!
I can’t wait to see your journey from workout 2 to workout 17, from starting at 14 push-ups to crushing a full 30 in one go! So, don’t forget to snap a pic before and after, share your journey on Instagram, and tag me so I can cheer you every step of the way! And hey, don’t keep this challenge to yourself – share this video with your friends, and let’s make this journey even more epic together!
Thank you so much for tuning in, babes. Remember, I’m always here to help you crush your goals and become the best version of yourself. Let’s get better together! Till next time, stay fierce! 💕